Rebecca Hodapp
Name: Rebecca Hodapp
Website: I’ve worked really hard on my website and would so love to connect with you there!
Phone: 7046070970
Social Media:
About Me:
Hi Friend! I’m Becca—I’m a wife to an incredible husband, a mama to three babies I get to love on every day, and four babies who are waiting on me in heaven. I’m a labor and delivery nurse of six years, a childbirth educator, and an overall lover of all things birth. I believe that you and I were divinely created to bring life into this world, and my hope is that, as your doula, I can link arms with you on your walk to bringing your sweet baby earth side.
For the past six years I have loved every second of being at the bedside…well almost every second, because I could do without the charting and politics if I’m being honest. The important part is I have loved—like light my soul on fire, covered in goosebumps LOVED—supporting women in the homestretch of their journey into motherhood. But that’s just it! I only get the homestretch, the final hours of a 10 month long journey. And I want more mama! I want more for me, but mainly I want more for you.
I know first hand that your journey into motherhood began the moment you saw those two pink lines pop up. Whether those lines were longed for over many years, or even if they were a total surprise, I know you immediately started dreaming of a life for a person you only know in your heart. You’ve found your thoughts drifting over and over to the day you’ll finally get to look your baby in the eyes, what that day will be like, what that moment will be like, what it will feel like. Your to-do list has multiplied, your list of questions is never ending. And friend, this season you’re in of bringing a brand new person into the world, it’s the most beautiful, vulnerable, intimate season of life. You deserve someone who is going to be there to support, encourage, and empower you every step of the way. I want to be that person for you!
And my crunchy soul sisters, don’t let me coming from a hospital background give you pause. I know hospitals can get a bad rep, I get it, but the reality is that most women in the US give birth in a hospital setting at this point in time. So if that’s where I’ll be helping you welcome your sweet baby, I want you to know I see your yearning for an intervention free birth. I see you believing in your body and your natural ability to birth. I see you wanting all the time in the world to bring your baby earthside. I see you longing for someone to help you advocate for yourself and your desires. I see you searching for someone who believes in you as much as YOU believe in you. And sister, I am her. I know all the ins and outs of the hospital and know how to help you achieve the most home-birthie hospital birth possible.
And mama, w h a t e v e r your desires are for your birth, it is exactly that—yours! Whether you want a home birth, a birth center birth, a hospital birth, an unmedicated birth, an epidural, an inperson doula, a virtual doula, a VBAC, an induction, a repeat cesarean birth—whatever it is that you dream up for the day of your baby’s birth, I’m here for it! I will be there every step of the way to celebrate you, encourage you, empower you, and give you every opportunity to achieve the birth you want. You were made for this!
Services offered: Birth doula, virtual birth doula, childbirth educator, birth vision preparation, hospital birth doula, home birth doula,
Areas/hospitals served: Planned home births, Natural Beginnings Birth Center, Novant Hospitals, CMC Hospitals
RN, BSN 2014
Labor and Delivery RN since 2015
DONA Training 2020
Childbirth Educator Training 2020
CPR trained
NRP trained
Novant Vendor Credentialed